Art that connects you to nature with a fresh contemporary aesthetic
Hello! I'm Mira, and I am the artist behind Growing In Process.
I create paintings deeply rooted in specific places and moments in time, often in collaboration with local land trusts, farms, and trails. My process begins with spending time outdoors—exploring, observing, and learning. It usually ends with a display of paintings back in the open air; I often exhibit my work on trails or other outdoor venues.
A key part of my art practice involves creating my own paints from natural pigments, which I gather and grow locally. The paintings you see on this website include paints made of goldenrod flowers gathered at the peak of September, charcoal from a community fire circle, soil from the base of an uprooted tree, and many more. These natural pigments are a tangible connection to something ephemeral--something I try to hold on to every time I see a beautiful flower or get caught in a rainstorm.
If you are someone who seeks wild and beautiful spaces, this work might resonate with you.